Last year at the SXSW festival there was a band called The Vaccines whose music was featured as a free itunes download that I of course picked up on my daily Starbucks run. The song is totally inappropriate for any grandparents that may be reading this so I will refrain from divulging it here. However, the song was running through my head as I got jabbed not 5, not 6 but 7 times at the Company Health clinic. Apparently the batch of vaccines I had in 2001 when we went to Guatemala only had a shelf life of 10 years (and HOW has 10 years gone by?) so I had to get re-vaccinated for a few not-so-pleasant illnesses and heaps of Nigeria-specific ones. Typhoid, Yellow Fever, Rabies, DTAP (Diptheria, Tetanus, Pertussis), Flu, meningococcal, Hep A, Hep B, Polio.. I could go on (and I'm sure I will in a related post!).
Luckily, the stick itself doesn't hurt. The idea of putting my kids through the same thing, however... anyone have a pony for sale?