'Fake a smile and you sigh'..
Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 10:53PM


Wow. This is the week. This is the week that everything comes to a head and it looks like a bomb went off in your house. The week when you want so desperately to sort the legos and the puzzle pieces and go through that junk drawer. Not the one in the kitchen because you know I already did that but the other one. And the one after that- the one you dont consider a junk drawer because it serves some purpose you assigned it long ago but that you know in your heart you haven't used in months - which makes it a junk drawer. But you are just out of time.

And I am sore. And so tired. Here's where we are:

All week well-meaning friends and neighbors have been asking us how we are feeling about the move. Honestly? I am all about Lagos. But the move? groan....


 Link to Lyrics I love: 

Listen on Spotify: 

Article originally appeared on teamgaither (http://teamgaither.squarespace.com/).
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