"But the sun keeps settin', the days go fast; and the sand on the beach is like an hourglass; I can just feel it all slipping away; and babe I can already say that..."
Wow. I have not made a new post on this site in a really long time. Not only that, I'm about to cheat big time by re-posting my facebook updates over the past several months. It started out as a countdown for our time in Lagos to our flight home, which felt like an eternity after the kids' friends (and mine!) had all left. Then I just kept going. The posts seemed to attract a fair amount of attention and it's been fun for me to re-read them in order. Pittsburgh, Cape Cod, Houston - it was a whirlwind! In short, below is "How We Spent Our Summer Vacation" - at least as far as Facebook is concerned. Also - Check out our pics here.
- Pancakes, play date, pool party, bbq. One down, 70 days to go.
- Rainy day play dates, closets organized, summer camp registration, poolside dinner w neighbors, sleepover giggles on continual loop. Day 2 down.
- 5m run, pool date w friends, cat nap, newbie check-in, Star Wars in mommy's bed. Day 3 fading fast..
- Supa fun pool-date, beating the down-pour, s'mores on the barbie, catch-up w Daddy (back from Rwanda!), Star Wars vs American Girl themed double-sleepover. Day 4 down.
- Day 5: Coffee with Mona Zutshi Opubor was a highlight. Reliving scenes from Mommy Dearest after finding marker on my Crate and Barrel couch was not.
- Day 6 of 70 (seven-zero!): Conf call w The Hague re: 50 newcomers expected by Sept, housing for 50 newcomers, cars for 50 newcomers; summer camp selection and a 3 hr stand-off w the 6 year old. Gah!
- Day 7: 5 mile run, epic bacon cheeseburger at Johnny Rockets, pool club and fab dinner w "remaining" Lagos families!
- Day 8: Naps and laziness in advance of Big Night Out w friends - dinner and dancing up ahead means flashing lights behind... This is Lagos baby!
- Day 9 & 10 of 70 day summer vacation: mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mommmmmm???????
- Day 11: Brekky in Lekki with Mona Zutshi Opubor , pre-pack try-on-a-thon, "Rise of the Guardians" with kids, Fair Acres Summer Camp booked!
- Day 12: 3m run, lunch w newbies, try-on-a-thon for kids, organized endless octopus of DS/DVDs/cam/kindle plugs & adapters, finished BBC's Bleak House
- Day 13: Back-to-back newbie chats, going postal on maintenance workers, lame work-out, more packing, salvaged the day w Tex-Mex Night for Aussie mate headed to Houston.
- Day 14: Partners Coffee w VIP guest, lunch w VIP, 20 minute catnap, console children on rainy day blues, Friday night fun run and happy hour. Tomorrow we go!!
- Days 15/16: shockingly smooth trip from Lagos to PA; dinner w inlaws and long-awaited intro to new baby cousin! Amazing! Only second to driving and McDonalds.. wahoo!
- Day 17: 1st official day in US - long run through "The Rock" w Barbara Miller and Baby Ellie, kids in sprinklers, melt in your mouth ribs and homemade corn bread under a shady tree with Grandma and Granddad.
- Day 18: Moraine State Park, lunch at local brew pub, homemade Mac and Cheese and collard greens, important discussion around repercussions of Supreme Court ruling on Voters Rights.
- Day 19: 5mi run, Willie's smokehouse, annual laugh-till-you-cry Balderdash tourney, pool time, country stroll while dodging black bears...
- Day 20 of 70: Visit with favorite friend and new baby, Pittsburgh Science Museum, annual ride on the Duquesne Incline, drinks and fountain splash at Station Square, chips and salsa w Kenn Gaither and Barbara Miller while kiddos doze in makeshift hotel bedrooms.
- Day 21: 5m run with Kenn & Barbie (and Baby Ellie!), family photos, stroll to corner store, lightning showers and rainbows, home-made lasagna and pretzel salad.
- Day 22: Last Day in PA - sad farewell to Baby Ellie, Kenn Gaither and Barbara Miller, pit-stop at Willie's Smokehouse, burgers and s'mores on the bbq w Grandma and Grand-dad Gaither. Summer showers and rainbows. Boston tomorrow!!
Boston/Cape Cod...
- Day 23: smooth arrival on gorgeous Boston Sunday; heart wrenching/necessary visit with elderly aunt; hysterical/head-spinning dinner w Dad, siblings, kids and cousins. Discovered FIVE BELOW. Wow.
- Day 24: 3m run around Brookline Reservoir followed by 1st (!) Starbucks run; 2 car-caravan with 4 cousins, 12 bags and heaps of wine and food; dinner w Aunt & Uncle - toasting our wonderfully perfect arrangement and the long-awaited dream of owning my family home on Cape Cod.
- Day 25: Huge shop at the BIG (read: overwhelming) Market Basket by the bridge; neighborhood run; beach outing w kids; catching frogs; E on the BBQ and me on clean up duty - a welcome change from the Lagos kitchen we are rarely allowed to use.
- Day 26: Last minute errands to avoid Cape Cod 4th traffic (my god is it Xmas eve??), E playing w new kayak, insanely large BJs run, beach, chowder and lobster-rolls w aunt and uncle before full-on family!
- Day 27: lazy morning; beach outing; fun w daddy's kayak; lunch w sibs and cousins, 'Name That Tune' w Uncle JK; chicken, dogs, and s'mores on the grille, Patriotism in the air. Happy 4th America!!
- Day 28: 6th of July Independence Party w the fam and some lifelong friends; 50th anniversary of the family flagpole; patriot's parade; swimming; storytelling; fab food and Four Seas ice cream!
- Day 29: Post party clean-up, steak and eggs w baby bro, cape cod mall for camp gear, swimming, left-overs, and inaugural viewing of Empire Strikes back w play-by-play synopsis by Mommy.
- Day 30 of 70: Pancakes and paperwork, camp forms and health insurance, new doctors, new mailbox, new house, afternoon swim, oysters and steamers at Spanky's Clam Shack- Hyannis.
- Day 31: Lawn guys and cleaning lady; doc appts and scripts; tuberculosis check (all clear!), dog sitting for Grandma; flight bookings and luggage; last day of vacay for Daddy..
- Day 32: Daddy drop-off at 6am; Grandma-to-the-Rescue at 11am; Mommy spa day at 11:30am; Girls Getaway tomorrow. Wahoo!! — with Deborah Haskell Kavanagh.
- Day 33: Today I was reminded that once you are a parent you are always a parent - even at 70. Thank you Mom! —with Deborah Haskell Kavanagh.
- Day 34: Morning run through Kennebunkport with gal pals, brekky, pooltime, 2 hour cruise along beautiful Maine coastline, endless giggles and trips down memory lane, 1st of many birthday celebrations!
- Day 35: Bloody Mary's and lobster rolls, poolside chats, shopping in kennebunkport , gorgeous run past Bush compound, Champagne and sea bass....
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Article originally appeared on teamgaither (http://teamgaither.squarespace.com/).
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